Conserving habitats and wildlife has always been a challenge and often depends on external donations or grants. Such investments, in turn, often required excessive administrative effort.
At ARTIO, we believe that we can bring people together to preserve our planet and its animals.
With our tokens, we offer digital solutions for conservationists and supporters:
As a supporter, you virtually own a part of the habitat and its inhabitants and have transparency about how your investment is used.
As a conservationist, you have a single platform to keep your sponsors informed and link images, population data and progress in easy-to-create dashboards.
With the help of digitization, sponsors become stewards of a project of their choice and gain insight into conservation goals and measures. Our smart contracts support voting and allow supporters to participate in setting targets for their donation.
For the activists, this participation is linked to a unique collectible, which allows for easy status updates, e.g. on a specific area, species or even an individual animal. Project updates keep users informed and connect them with the teams working on the project and help them understand the impact of conservation efforts.
ARTIO adds an objective source of truth by using the latest technology, including drone footage, to provide regular habitat analysis and verified assessments to ensure all stakeholders agree on the progress being made.
Our aim is to bridge the gap between activists, private and public donors, gain more support and generate more funds for nature conservation.
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